Friday, May 23, 2014

Fulton Graduates


I cannot believe how quickly this year has passed!  After so much deliberation about whether we should send Fulton to Pre-school, I think it is very obvious that we made the right decision.  SO much growth - learning and social adjustments alike - have brought to him a stronger sense of self and purpose.

That may sound funny if we are talking about a 5 year old boy, but truly I feel his journey through life will be made a little easier because of how well he has been cared for at Heritage Preschool.  They have truly given him the tools and confidence he needs as he continues on the path Our Lord has set before him.

Thank you so much to the entire staff at Heritage, and especially to his teachers, Amy, Alia and Tracey!

Here is a video of his class singing How Great Is Our God with sign language.  Believe it or not, I actually was able to hold myself together for most of the evening, but when the rays of sunshine came through the windows towards the end of the song, I lost it.  God truly is great!

Here is a video of him saying his bible verse:

And this is him receiving his diploma.

Here are a few photos of his big day yesterday.

Such a happy little guy!  Thank you all for your prayers and support - what a year it has been!  We couldn't have done it without your constant petitions to Our Lord.

God is Good.  Always!


  1. Fulton is such a handsome sweet and happy looking guy! We've been praying for him for a year and 4 months now, and it is so nice to get to see his progress and see how your family has weathered the time! Sending our love!

    1. That is a long time to stay with a prayer intention after the initial excitement dies down - we are so, SO very grateful! Thank you!

  2. I have no idea how you held it together, because I was crying the whole time watching those sweet little ones sing! And to think of all Fulton has been through. I hope someday he is able to understand what an impact he and your family have had on this world. I will continue to pray for you and Fulton, just as I have since I learned about you on FB from CatholicMom. God bless! I truly enjoy your updates.

  3. Oh I know, Jaime! I was fully stocked with Kleenex, hoping I wouldn't frighten the young children all around me. I was also wrestling with our 2yo daughter on my lap while trying to record it, so I think that really helped me keep from bawling. :) Thank you for your continued prayers!
