
The Most Precious Blood

Most Precious Blood craft

Most Precious Blood of Jesus

1  Blsd Junipero Serra
1  St. Gal
Magnificat Saints  (St. Gal)

2  St. Otto
2  The Visitation of the Blsd. Virgin
Magnificat Saints  (Visitation)

3  St. Thomas
3  St. Leo II
3  St. Heliodorus
Magnificat Saints  (Sts. Leo and Heliodorus)

 4  St. Elizabeth of Portugal

5  St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria

6  St. Maria Goretti

7  Blsd Roger Dickson and Blsd Lawrence Humphrey

8  Blsd Eugene III

9  The Martyrs of Orange
9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong and companions

10  St. Felicity and her 7 sons

11  St. Benedict

12  St. John Gaulbert

13  St. Henry II

14  St. Kateri Tekakwitha

15  St. Bonaventure

16  Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
17  St. Leo IV

18  St. Frederick
Biography for kids (St. Frederick)
18  St. Camillus de Lellis

19  St. Macrina

20  St. Joseph Barsabbas
20  St. Apollinaris

21  St. Lawrence of Brindisi

22  St. Mary Magdelene

23  St. Bridget of Sweden

24  St. Boris and St. Gleb
Biography for kids  (St. Boris and St. Gleb)
24  St. Charbel Makhloof

25  St. James the Greater
Loyola Press Bio  (St. James) 
25  St. Christopher
Domestic Church bio (St Christopher)

26  Sts. Joachim and Anne

27  St. Pantaleon

28  St. Botvid

29  St. Martha

30  St. Peter Chrysologus

31 St. Ignatius of Loyola

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